The Funnies Kids Say and Do

Upstairs, folding laundry today, I left Isabella and Liam downstairs watching Elmo’s Potty.  Content and Happy.  It was quiet, so I gathered the clothes to bring downstairs.  Walking down the hallway, I peek over the railing, “Bella, what are you doing,” I ask.  Liam, laying on the couch, diaper off, “I am changing Liam’s diaper, it smelt like pee.”  Bella is four, Liam is 18 months. I never found William changing Bella’s diaper when they were that age (same age difference).  It was funny and new to me.  This reminded me of some of the other things that my kids have said, so I thought I would share them:

The tooth fairy visited William.  Grandma advised he put his money in his bank account–real bank account. William’s response…”I tried, my bank is too full.” That is…his piggy bank!

Dicky: “Bella put your toys upstairs.”
Me: “Bella…put your toys upstairs.”
Bella: “I’m putting them under my chair you filthy animal.”
Thank you to the movie Home Alone…

William: “Hey Dad, Dad…”
Dicky: “Yeah”
William: “Mom didn’t clean any work shirts, you just want to take the day off?”

Bella: “Mom can you give me the barf out of your pocket?”
Me: “the what?”
Bella: “the barf”
Me: “it’s bark Bella…”
Bella: “oh,” (laughs)

What have your kids said or done to make you laugh?


How It Started…

Trying to get something accomplished, I sat down at the computer. The house was a bit messy and I thought to myself, I will take care of this later.  Actually, there were things everywhere, but I still decided to sit down at the computer and get something accomplished.  I heard my, probably 16 month-er at the time behind me.  I turned around and to my surprise, he was standing on the table in a the middle of the disaster.  Hence,  My Humorous Mommy Life! And, Other Stuff…came to be. Seven and a half years ago, I made the decision to leave my full-time out of home work behind for a season and begin my journey of being an at home mom.  I never new how much my life was going to change.  Even if someone had told me specifically how much my life was going to change once having a child (at home or not), I am not sure I would have believed it.  Nope. Wouldn’t have.  Plus, I am not sure that it is something that can be explained.  I have three children, William (7.5), Isabella (4.5) and Liam (18 months).  All so different, but kind of similar.  I hope you will join me as I write of the journey’s of my experience of motherhood, the things I learn, have learned, hear and wish I wouldn’t have heard, ideas and all those things that fall in between.  Comment, share your experiences.  It is nice to know we are not alone.